SJNY will operate on a delayed opening on Thursday, February 6. All business operations and scheduled classes will operate remotely until 11 a.m. Both physical campus locations will be closed during this time.

Click here for more information.

Student Services

Student Services

The academic success of our students is our main priority. There are many academic support services available to you. Our Office for Tutoring and Academic Development, for example, provides individualized tutoring across every discipline for students needing assistance with their course work. Writing skills development is also offered. In addition, the center provides help in learning college survival skills, such as time management, critical thinking and understanding assignments. The Academic Advisement Center and faculty advisers also provide our students with academic advisement opportunities prior to each registration period and throughout the year.

The Office of Career Preparation and Professional Development helps students identify personal and career goals, develop strategies for growth and achievement, target areas of interest and talent, and chart a customized career-development plan. Help with career exploration as well as job and graduate school searches are also provided. Workshops are offered throughout the year on topics such as résumé development and interviewing skills. Our Resource Center provides students with a wide variety of computerized, printed and audio and video materials in the career library.

The Office of Information Technology Services has integrated technology into the scholarly environment by providing our students with the tools necessary to support and enrich their academic experience. Staff is available to provide information about the technology resources and support services available. Students have access to several computer labs with laser printers. Two of our open labs are equipped with a color flatbed scanner, a CD-ROM recorder and a color Deskjet printer for student use. Computer lab assistants are always on hand to help. Wireless Internet access also is available throughout campus.

Most importantly, if you are finding a particular course challenging, visit the professor during office hours. Working with your professors is the best way to achieve academic success.

St. Joseph's University is committed to providing you with an outstanding education and campus life experience. We encourage you to take advantage of these and all other services we provide to support your success.