245 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205
Main: 718.940.5300
Admissions: 718.940.5800
Fax: 718.940.5680
155 W. Roe Blvd., Patchogue, NY 11772
Main: 631.687.5100
Admissions: 631.687.4500
Fax: 631.687.4539
SJNY will operate on a delayed opening on Thursday, February 6. All business operations and scheduled classes will operate remotely until 11 a.m. Both physical campus locations will be closed during this time.
Chemistry is essential to understanding the many complicated processes that occur in the human body, as well as creating medications. It’s also the foundation for selecting appropriate nutrients, vitamins and minerals required for good health.
The Health Professions Committee advises students pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry, physical therapy or other health professions at the beginning of their freshman year. An information center and bulletin board are always available for students interested in a health care career.
At the Brooklyn Campus, an articulation agreement with SUNY Downstate Medical Center allows for minority students to participate in six-week summer programs, which educates students on a variety of medical-related professions and prepares participants for acceptance into the medical school.
When students are invited for an interview with a health profession institution, the Health Professions Committee conducts a mock interview to discuss the protocol and probable questions.
An official letter of recommendation for each student is prepared by the adviser and approved by all members of the committee. This letter, kept on file even after graduation, is submitted to all health professional institutions selected by the student.
Some of the professional schools attended by our chemistry graduates include:
Medicine and Health Professions
Graduate Schools
Physical Therapy
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