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Chemistry Honor Society

Chemistry Honor Society

The Kappa Mu Chapter at St. Joseph’s University, New York

Gamma Sigma Epsilon (ΓΣΕ) is a national chemistry honor society founded in 1919 at Davidson College. The purpose of Gamma Sigma Epsilon, as summed up by one of its founding fathers, Malcolm Ray Doubles, was to “unite those men with a high scholastic grade in Chemistry, in Class A colleges, in order to foster a more com­prehensive and cooperative study of that great branch of Science and its immediately allied studies”.  Its other founders were Manley Arphew Siske and Lewis Porter Good.  In 1931, the "fraternity" went co-ed and became an "honor society." 

The National Society is governed by an Executive Council of elected national officers.  Chapters are guided by their own locally elected officers.  The National Society meets in biennial conventions for the purpose of governance, fellow­ship, and scientific exchange in the form of invited lectures and student research presentations.

Gamma Sigma Epsilon is now firmly established and regarded with high esteem. Gamma Sig now has over 85 active chapters in 25 US states and has inducted over 16,000 members since its inception. It is an inspiring organization and one of which we are rightly proud to be a part.  An invitation to membership in Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a coveted honor among students in chemistry.  Truly it has in a large manner achieved the ideals of its founders.

Who is Eligible for Membership?

Any student pursing Chemistry in an institution of higher learning is eligible for member­ship, provided the student’s progress in chemistry meets a high standard set by the local chapter and approved by the National Executive Council.  Generally, membership require­ments include successful completion of two years of chemistry courses and labs. Membership is open to chemistry majors and minors.  To become a member of the Kappa Mu chapter of St. Joseph's University, students must be a declared chemistry major or chemistry minor and have completed 23 credits of chemistry coursework with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Applications are available in the spring semester.

Since its inception in 2010, the St. Joseph's University Kappa Mu Chapter has inducted 85 members: 34 chemistry majors and 51 chemistry minors. Dr. Joao Ribeiro (Chemistry and Physical Sciences Dept., Brooklyn Campus) serves as the University's Kappa Mu chapter advisor. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ribeiro at [email protected]. For more information, visit the national chapter site here.

See Photos From Our Past Induction Ceremony