SJNY will operate on a delayed opening on Thursday, February 6. All business operations and scheduled classes will operate remotely until 11 a.m. Both physical campus locations will be closed during this time.

Click here for more information.

Long Island Human Relations Minor

Long Island Human Relations Minor

Boost your résumé. Complement your major. Get ready.

Delve deeper into the fields of sociology and psychology with our minor in human relations. 

With this interdisciplinary minor, students gain skills in communication, listening, negotiation, critical thinking and problem-solving, preparing them for success in any field.

Explore the inner workings of society and its influences on human behavior, and get ready to apply this knowledge to a career you’re passionate about.

The Long Island Human Relations Minor Experience

Excel Personally and Professionally: By studying psychology and sociology, students gain a better understanding of those around them, making them more effective in their interactions with people.


Match it with your major: A minor in human relations compliments such majors as business administration, criminal justice, marketing and speech, among many others.


Experienced Professionals: Study with trained professionals who are experts in their respective fields.