SJNY will operate on a delayed opening on Thursday, February 6. All business operations and scheduled classes will operate remotely until 11 a.m. Both physical campus locations will be closed during this time.

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Student Research Symposium

Student Research Symposium

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Each Spring we celebrate our students’ scholarly achievements at the annual Student Research Symposium. The event typically draws more than 200 attendees from the students, faculty, and staff of St. Joseph's University as well as friends and family from the local area. Throughout the day more than 50 students from all academic disciplines share their work with the St. Joseph's University community. This year's symposium will be held in person.

Call for Papers and Abstracts

We are currently accepting submissions for the 2024 Student Research Symposium.  

Deadline to submit: Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Type of Submissions

Short Talks

Short talks are live, oral presentations that are allotted up to 10 minutes, plus three minutes for questions and answers. Presenters will be assigned a room with other presenters (who hopefully have a related topic or theme) and a moderator/host. Presenters will have the ability to share their screen and present any visual guides. Short talks can be from any discipline, presenting any type of research.

Poster Presentations

Each person will be allotted a 4' wide by 3' high wall space. Tacks will be provided. You will be expected to remain with your poster for the entire length of your session. Follow poster guidelines when preparing your poster. We have provided a PowerPoint Template for your use. Posters are best suited for empirical projects, that is, projects that involved the collection and analyses of data.

Art Exhibition


The exhibitions may include painting, drawing, sculpture, craft, print, graphic/digital design, photography, or mixed media work.  Individual projects are preferred, but group presentations will be considered if they are proposed under a cohesive topic or collaborative project. Participants must work with an art faculty mentor in preparing their abstract. For more information, please contact Dawn Lee at [email protected]. Follow Art Exhibition guidelines when preparing your proposal.

View Abstract Guidelines

View Poster Guidelines

Submit An Abstract

Abstract Review Committee, Long Island Campus

  • Yvonne Borkowski, Ed.D., Child Study
  • Kirk Lawrence, Ph.D., Sociology
  • Dawn Lee, M.F.A., Fine Arts
  • Tom Mainiero, Ph.D., Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Judith Phagan, D.A., English
  • William Phillips, Ph.D., Journalism and New Media
  • Konstantine Rountos , Ph.D., Biology
  • Andrea Stadler, Ph.D., Physical Sciences
  • Lisa Tafuro, Ph.D., Communication Studies
  • Teresa Tannazzo, Ph.D., Psychology

Mentor and Guest Registration

If you plan to attend the event but are not presenting please registering using the link below.

Guest/Mentor Registration