SJNY will operate on a delayed opening on Thursday, February 6. All business operations and scheduled classes will operate remotely until 11 a.m. Both physical campus locations will be closed during this time.

Click here for more information.

Brooklyn Sociology Major

Brooklyn Sociology Major

Learn about human behavior. Become a professional problem solver. Make a better world.

Prepare to make your mark on the world with our Department of Social Sciences. Majoring in Sociology will help you gain the tools and knowledge needed to create solutions to challenging problems and develop answers to complex social questions.

Sociologists study the powerful social forces that shape your life, your community and even global society. These forces include social class, gender, race, popular culture, globalization, religion and the environment. Our program's wide range of courses reflect the diverse interests of our faculty and allow students to chart their own course of study.

Gain the ability and confidence to examine organizations, social institutions, cultures and groups to better understand the processes that develop when people interact and work together. Excel in a career that fuels your passion to help others.

The Brooklyn Sociology Major Experience

Internship Experience: Sociology majors are encouraged to weave internships into their college experience, applying knowledge gained in class to real-world experience.


Extensive Career Options: A degree in sociology prepares you for careers in a wide array of fields, including social work, nonprofits, law, occupational therapy, library science, journalism and education.


Minors that Matter: Not sure you want to commit to a major in Sociology? A minor in Sociology goes well with many majors, including psychology, political science, journalism and new media studies, and criminal justice.