Events Schedule

  • Fortune Society: From the Street to the Suite

    Fortune Society: From the Street to the Suite

    Thursday, March 30, 2023
    12:30 pm
    Shea Conference Room

    Ronald F. Day, Ph.D., vice president of programs and research for the Fortune Society will present a lecture titled “From the Street to the Suite,” about how his time in prison inspired his career advocating for former detainees. After his release in 2007, Dr. Day established himself in criminal justice circles as a staunch advocate for reentry, promoting desistance, dismantling mass incarceration and addressing the stigma of incarceration. Dr. Day is the recipient of several awards, including the Citizens Against Recidivism “Bridge Builder” Award and the Justice Research Fellowship at Columbia University. He is also the former host of “Both Sides of the Bars,” the Fortune Society’s original program on Manhattan Neighborhood Network.

    This event is free and open to the public. It will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the Shea Conference Room of O’Connor Hall. St. Joseph’s University, New York is located at 155 West Roe Blvd. in Patchogue. For more information, call 631.687.2643.